The power of writing

There is very strong scientific evidence of the power of writing as a psychological tool. I followed a link I read on “The daily trading coach” about James Pennebaker’s research on writing as a therapeutic process to learn more about it. This article summarizes the research and the strong evidence of the therapeutic effects of writing about traumatic experiences. But what I found most important is that writing in detail about a particular experience and how it relates to self, other people in past, present and future was the key to unlocking its power.

Be sure to write about your experiences in detail and across time (past, present and future) in your journal and adopt a routine to read it back every weekend. You’ll be surprised of all you can learn from it and use that knowledge to improve your performance.

About Stock Trade Journal

The information in this blog is not investment advice. Please consult a financial advisor before investing. I have been trading stock since the 1990's and survived the .com crash. I am developing software applications to help me trade better and now I am making them available to help other traders. This blog is also a way to share my experiences and observations in the market.
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